Key BMW i8 looks like smartphones

Key to the production of distinctive car BMW i8 like miniature copy of smart phones .

Hurricane BMW next

BMW i8 sports car new, electric-powered , will be available in the market starting next year , with a key characteristic of the operation of the vehicle , the nearest thing to a smart phone .

Characterized keys of the car small size and multiple functions performed by , where telling the driver a lot of things about the condition of the car , such as the amount of residual energy and the distance that the car can be Tsafrha before needing to recharge again or refueled , according to the site geeky-gadgets .

Car " Coupe " from BMW

Car BMW i8 advantage of owning a hybrid engine -powered electrical and fuel , where the car up to the speed of 60 mph in 4.4 seconds , and can cover a distance of 113 miles by burning one gallon of fuel only .


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