Unique copy of the Lamborghini 5-95 Zajato look like from another world

Detection Office of the famous Italian design Zajato for those unique version of the Gallardo model and that the Office's work on the redesigned completely for a very discerning customers.

The unique version of the car which will not produce them, but only one car under the name of 5-95, is scheduled to be unveiled for the first time during the exhibition Konchriso Deljanza Villa d'Este in Italy.

The new car the product of collaboration between Lamborghini and Zajato to mark the anniversary of the 95 to the Office of Zajato of designs, has Zajato re-design of the entire car from the outside, but that did not prevent the convergence of the car in a lot of lines with a car Spyker C12 provided by the company in 2007, and like a new version them.

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